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Original Title: Le Voleur d'ombres
ISBN: 2221113128 (ISBN13: 9782221113127)
Edition Language: French
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Le Voleur d'ombres Paperback | Pages: 274 pages
Rating: 3.9 | 5155 Users | 438 Reviews

List Of Books Le Voleur d'ombres

Title:Le Voleur d'ombres
Author:Marc Levy
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 274 pages
Published:2010 by Laffont
Categories:Fiction. Romance. Cultural. France

Description Supposing Books Le Voleur d'ombres

« - Maintenant, assieds-toi, il faut que l'on parle, a dit l'ombre. Je me suis assis en tailleur sur le sol. - Tu as un pouvoir très rare, il faut que tu acceptes de t'en servir, même s'il te fait peur. - Pour quoi faire ? - Trouve pour ceux dont tu dérobes l'ombre cette petite lumière qui éclairera leur vie, un morceau de leur mémoire cachée, c'est tout ce que nous te demandons. - Nous ? - Nous, les ombres, souffla celle à qui je m'adressais. J'ai souri, je comprenais très bien de quoi elle parlait. » Et si l'enfant que vous étiez rencontrait l'adulte que vous êtes devenu... Drôle et tendre, Le Voleur d'ombres est le onzième roman de Marc Levy. Les romans de Marc Levy sont traduits en 41 langues et ont été publiés à plus de 20 millions d'exemplaires à travers le monde.

Rating Of Books Le Voleur d'ombres
Ratings: 3.9 From 5155 Users | 438 Reviews

Crit Of Books Le Voleur d'ombres
*wipes away the tears*So... where should I begin with this book? First of all - at the moment this book is definitely the best book or best to second that I have read (can`t ignore "Outlander" now can we?). Yes, it`s very short - about 200 pages but my oh my - you get more action, emotions and thoughts from these 200 pages than you get from some 400 page book. I enjoyed every second of this book and I`m secretly wishing that the author would write a sequel to it. Yet on another hand - it was

At a certain point, I cried my eyes out(you will find that moment, no need to tell you)...then started to make a list of Marc Levy's books that I want to read next. That's the thing you will do after finishing this book.

This book does very nostalgically. When the personage goes on from the infancy at the adult age, I thought: "already?", While when he thinks about it, our own infancy raised the zipper. This book long ago they think about spending the time and enjoying the most possible the moment. Also I have liked how every element is important in the book, and nothing is placed in ringlet at random and quite perfectly in the end. Finally, several passages were extremely they touched me. What makes them so

Have not heard of Marc Levy before coming upon this book by chance, though the blurb says he is one of the huge bestselling authors in France today and this book shows why as it is the kind of warm, remember the happy days of childhood, written with extraordinary narrative energy that made me read it end to end in one sitting - it is not a long novel and I am not sure it has a high reread value or that it will remain with me for long (though one never knows of course); for a similar US author i

Touching and light story about values of life. Love the way Levy writes.

:((((((+ OH. My. God. I really need help :((+ If I had a "made-me-cry" shelf, this book would go to the top of it. + It was over in less than three hours. A record, actually.