Books The Ways of Autumn Free Download Online

Books The Ways of Autumn  Free Download Online
The Ways of Autumn Paperback | Pages: 337 pages
Rating: 4.36 | 331 Users | 7 Reviews

Present Regarding Books The Ways of Autumn

Title:The Ways of Autumn
Author:William Graney
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 337 pages
Published:April 21st 2017 by Mountain Literary

Explanation Conducive To Books The Ways of Autumn

The misty sea spray caressing Catherine's face portends the unclear path ahead as she contemplates the beginning of her new life in California. Her ten-year journey will include a new relationship, a trek to the highest summit in the contiguous United States, and a poignant hospice experience that will challenge her to rise from the ashes of despair. Catherine decides to leave Boston when a company from the Silicon Valley presents an offer for her very successful website design company. After accepting the buyout, she signs a contract with a Los Angeles based health care corporation to work as a consultant and thus begins her decade-long stay on the west coast. As time passes in her sunny new environment, Catherine grows increasingly homesick despite the thrill of falling in love and her passion for hiking the Southern California trails. Conflicts arise when the desire to return to her native New England dominates her thoughts and she meets Kenny, a young man who is facing his final days. As Catherine sits at Kenny's bedside, she helps him work through his struggles to understand love and devotion while facing the fear of a completed life's journey. Their conversations inspire her to reflect deeply upon her own life, the decisions she has made, and the path she must follow.

Specify Books Supposing The Ways of Autumn

ISBN: 1521099499 (ISBN13: 9781521099490)
Edition Language: English

Rating Regarding Books The Ways of Autumn
Ratings: 4.36 From 331 Users | 7 Reviews

Judge Regarding Books The Ways of Autumn

For me, The ways of Autumn is a 'coming of age' story. I refrain to align with the regular belief, and feel, that it is the experience of life that decides when a person is coming of age. In this book, William introduces us to protagonist Catherine aka Kat, and with her, we embark on a long journey of ten years, her ups and downs, realizations and finally, the choices she makes. Catherine leaves her job at Boston and decides to take an offer in Los Angeles. On her way from Boston, she decides to

Autumn is a time of beautiful, magical transformation, but also a time of death to the leaves that will soon cover the ground. Likewise, The Ways of Autumn by William Graney rotates between the life of a wealthy, retired woman Catherine (Kat) and a boy/teenager Kenny. Their lives change and they face success and times of defeat. Kat has vowed she would leave California and return to the East coast in the autumn, though her boyfriend, Keith, doubts she will leave him. Kenny has Nicole and a love

The Ways of Autumn by William Graney showcases the author's gentle take on writing. The book starts out rather slow, but the developing story about Catherine is thoughtful and engrossing. This is not a true coming of age story, but for Catherine, her life and personal story changes radically when she moves to California. After selling her company back East, she ventures forth to create a new life for herself, finding love along the way, and a better understanding of the human condition, and the

This is a coming of age story. Despite not resonating with the belief portrayed in the book that life experiences decide when a person comes of age, I still enjoyed the development of the story. The character of Catherine is very realistic and you will feel like you know her personally by the time you get to the last page of the book. I particularly enjoyed how the author narrated the recollection of Catherines past life with a detailed description of the serenity of the town she left behind.

The blended narrative of Catherine and Kennys stories make for quite an interesting novel that after a while I did find myself utterly immersed in. The early story was a little slow for my taste but once I settled into the book I found it very enjoyable. Catherines character especially was very layered and I found myself wanting to know more and more about her. Graneys writing is very eloquent and scenes were described with brush-stroke ease painting a beautiful background. Id definitely classFor me, The ways of Autumn is a 'coming of age' story. I refrain to align with the regular belief, and feel, that it is the experience of life that decides when a person is coming of age. In this book, William introduces us to protagonist Catherine aka Kat, and with her, we embark on a long journey of ten years, her ups and downs, realizations and finally, the choices she makes. Catherine leaves her job at Boston and decides to take an offer in Los Angeles. On her way from Boston, she decides to

Catherine (Kat for short) is always on the lookout for adventures. First she goes to Las Vegas to become a dancer there, then she moves from the East coast to California for a better opportunity, and then she befriends great people who help her with her bouts with loneliness. Kat carves out a business for herself that makes her financially independent and successful. One of her new friends, Rhonda joins her for numerous nights of movies and dinner at Catherines place, then they frequent a local

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